At the start of quarantine I decided to create this short film idea that I have had for years now, and this would be a great time to do it so I did! Everything you see here is all me. I am working on this stuff alone and rendering all of this on one machine with Octane and c4d. All compositing is done in After Effects with the help of some Photoshop. This is going to be a ongoing project that I will be updating over the next few months. I thought I could post some of my ongoing work and share!
First lets start with small low res render tests that I made at the start of this process.
These next few videos were the first playblast's that I created for the start of this short which is a big city scene. I wanted to make sure the speed of the car and the car mechanics were working properly.
One of the biggest obstacles of this was the crash scene....I bought xparticles to create the crash but the learning curve was longer than expected. Below are some of the videos of my learning of xparticles water simulations.
The images below were/are working lighting and compositing tests that I have from the short itself. All of these will probably change due to color correction changes but these are where the images are at as on now.

Below is just a small test render of the first minute of my short film. Like I said it could change when I really get in there and really start to composite it with details in mind.
Like I said I will be updating this when I can so stay tuned!